Happy Heights: Carpenter Rock Trail



Happy Heights: Carpenter Rock Trail

Discovering and learning about the island Antigua while hiking the trails with happy heights!

You will be hiking through some of Antigua’s lost and hidden trails while learning about the island’s history. One of the best things to do in Antigua is the happy heights: carpenter rock trail!

Have lots of fun learning about Antigua’s various flora and fauna.

Happy Heights will excite all of your senses with the beautiful views that will captivate your eyes.

Pick fruits like mangoes, guineps, locust ( stinking toe), cactus cherries and more while experiencing Antigua by foot!

The guide will hike you through the only last standing rainforest, around the historic Nelson’s Dockyard.

Then English Harbor, where you  will feel and see the history of the island first hand!

Then, at the end of the hike, you can enjoy locally made juices and fresh banana bread baked by the infamous Granny Madge.



There is a lot more than just the beach on this trail!

Price: $50USD
This tour is 3 hours.

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